Saturday, March 12, 2011

Want some honey, Honey!


This morning I made some pancakes for the kids. Whether we have french toast or pancakes we always add either Maple Syrup or honey to sweeten them. I had no idea how much my kids loved honey until they asked for spoonful after spoonful of honey this morning. I had to stop them at number 3 fearing that too much of it might lead to diabetes or something. Since my kids were little they had honey every week but I think I must revisit that rule and make it more than once a week due to the benefits of honey.

I remember reading that Prophet Mohammad always advised his people to take a spoonful of honey every day. I honestly thought this might be a bit too much but apparently there are many medical benefits to honey. For thousands of years, honey was known to be used to cure cuts, ailments and diseases. Honey offers our bodies antiseptic, antioxidant and cleansing properties. It fights infection, reduce inflammation and aids the tissue in healing itself. It is also used in treating many digestive problems and is said to help reduce allergy reactions if the local brand was used.

I found this amazing site that offers interesting facts, myths and stories if you are interested in reading some.

So to the kids I say... eat away my little bumble bees and maybe I will start to put some in my coffee instead of the brown sugar that I use.... less calories! :)

Caution: Make sure you do not have any honey allergies or severe reactions to it before you delve into eating spoonfuls of local honey that has not been pasteurized or have the pollen and impurities filtered.. you never know... 

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