Monday, June 28, 2021

When She Wants to Be


    I am humbled by how wise kids can be; how perceptive and how mature in their thinking. 

    I was thoroughly impressed by and truly grateful for my son's guidance this afternoon. My husband and I were getting to the woodshed to organize it and then pile up a 'colossal' mountain of lumber to dry. We woke up our daughter and called our son to join in. After the excitement of moving the floating dock a few days ago had receded, we needed another adventure to spark us up and get us moving together.

    I loved the feeling of working together as a team, a family, and so, I was overly encouraging, overly excited. After trying to work Mina up for the task, I asked Jad to go back to her and do the same. After he hesitated to do so, I responded with, "But I want her to be a part of our family escapades." 

    The rebuttal he gave me, stopped me in my tracks. It helped re-guide me and align my thoughts. His carefully chosen words, reminded me of his father, warmed my heart and put a surprised smile on my face. 

"Don't worry! She will be a part of the family, when she wants to be!"

A very humbling moment. I was grateful for the life lesson. There is so much to learn and so much to let go of.  

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Just Let Go


Just Let Go

Sometimes,       we         just       need       to        let         go. 

If we can just believe that our decisions were pre-made,  then we can also believe that every single grain we chose to experience, led us to learn a valued lesson. We may wonder what the lesson was but that is up to us to figure out. 

    If we can trust that the events in our lives happen to push us further towards our eternal decision of becoming a better us, then we need to trust that each decision we made, was towards attaining that better self. All of them important decisions, never any to regret!

    If we can believe and trust the above statements, then we can believe and trust, that the universe knows the path and the lessons we chose . I am positive that the universe would be happy to take over and be the co-driver while we take a vacation and gently but confidently, let go of the steering wheel. 

Believe me, I have tried it for a second, 😉 and I can attest that it was worth it. 

    So let us be brave. Let us be trusting. Let us ask the universe to take over for a while. We just need to trust that it will lead us down the right path. The path intended for us. The path we chose a long time before we ever  became a conscious being. We need to close our eyes, fall back, 

and just let go!

    We are heading towards the moon anyway.