Sunday, May 22, 2022

I Finally Said It!


     It was like the first gulp of air that you drink in after holding your breath underwater for a while. It was like the tingles you get when you experience something for the first time ever. It was like a bolt of lightning. Then that sudden electrifying realization that I should have done this before. 

    I should have sat myself down in front of a mirror a long time ago. I should have inspected every wrinkle, every scar, every freckle. I should have admired them all. I should have looked myself straight in the eyes after they had roamed around my face for a little while and said: "I am a beautiful soul!"  and then whatever it was that came to my mind that I loved about myself. I should have finished the monologue with, "I am gorgeous!" 

    And today, I finally said it! 

    Well, Why not? Right? I deserve it! I deserve to lift myself up if I wanted to. 

    I know I have flaws... and many of them, for sure! But they are my own and I own them. They are my beautiful flaws. They are a part of me and therefore, they are a part of my creation.  

  After patting myself on the back for divulging those words out loud like a prima donna in an Opera, I continued staring into those unrecognizable eyes. They seem familiar and yet, not at all. Do I really know those eyes? or who is behind them? Are they reflecting back at me or are they transparent? Are they a mirror to my soul and life path? Am I proud of the years that I lived and those that shaped me? 

    Then, I pondered why on earth did I have that brain fart so many years ago? It smelled so bad that it clouded my eyes and plugged my ears. I could neither hear the compliments of others nor the tiny encouraging voice inside my head.  It kept me in the darkness until that bolt of lightning jolted my heart today. 

   After a few moments, a switch clicked on and I began to see a spark in those eyes. 

    A smile crept and spoke a foreign language which my heart instantly understood. 

    It said, "I love you!"