Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happiness... Day 5

I found it a little harder to write anything about yesterday as the day did not go so well. Misunderstandings, feelings of being unproductive and a general lack of enthusiasm about the day made it hard for me to think of anything to add to my list of things I am grateful for. However, since I have made a commitment to write this and carry on, I had to think harder about the positive things no matter how small they were.... so here it goes...

3 Things I was grateful for yesterday:
1. A Boss who is flexible enough to allow me some leeway and understanding that I am a mom as well as a colleague.
2. Music that helps to sooth my hurt and calm my nerves.
3. An organized brain which helps me think of ideas and plan events well no matter how spontaneous they were.

Journal Entry:
As I mentioned above, yesterday was not the best of days but since I am supposed to take only one good thing, this is what I will focus on.

I went to a talk yesterday given by our counseling department about how we approach the topic of sex with our children. It was an extremely good talk and I found out that the BIG TALK should come when my kids are 8 years old. However, this talk would not be as hard as I thought it would be before my son addressed the topic not too long ago. We were in the car driving back home while my son was looking at an encyclopedia given to him by a friend on his Birthday. He saw a picture of a baby in a cross section of a womb and it triggered some thoughts. He informed us that he knew how animals mate and that now he knows how humans do as well. After he went into detail about how this action is made possible he ended it with,"And then they relax." I had to burst out laughing at the last sentence and congratulated him on a job well done explaining everything in such a scientific way. He thought it was natural which is good but never mentioned it again afterwards.

I guess that reminiscing over that incident was the positive part of my whole day.


Wapack said...

I am sorry you are feeling a bit down, but I love the Jad story, certainly not a "normal day". And yes, all three from your list are worthy of being grateful for. I couldn't survive without music, oh I wish I had an organized brain, and a boss that gets it about being a parent and an employee is a blessing.

Birdie said...

"And then they relax." ...OK, that is so funny!

I think the sex talks need to start when they are babies and then we need to keep talking. With my kids it started with the correct name for body part and has just gone on from there.