Friday, March 2, 2012

Happiness... Day 21

Hurray! I did it... today is my 21st and final day of writing 3 things I am grateful for and a journal entry. I have been extremely busy this week and that kept me away from writing the final day of this so-called challenge. I have been staring at this blank page for some time now and I cannot seem to remember anything of what happened in the last two days. This is all because my mind was focused on work every single minute of the day.

3 Things I am grateful for:

1. Highways... without them it would have taken me more than an hour and 15 minutes to get home last night. Granted I had to pay more at the tolls but boy oh boy did we avoid traffic on the roads.

2. TED Talks.... I really appreciate having to watch an exciting, informative and well planned talk about anything and everything especially if it fills my time and takes my mind away from being away from my family. 

3. Books on crafts. Instead of trying to think of my own crafts to do with the kids, having a book to look through and pick cool things to do is handy and great. I enjoy working with the kids on sticking, painting, drawing and cutting. Our latest project is making baby dinosaurs peek out of an egg shell. We have already covered the eggs and the aluminum foil (baby dino) in tissue paper and we just need to paint them.

Journal Entry

I had such a long day yesterday but it was not so bad other than the fact that I had not seen my little girl since the night before and would not see her until 4 this afternoon. 

I spent the evening with Year 6 students, parents and teachers. They had an exhibition where they discussed and argued their point on several issues in the world that needed a revolution. Not a political revolution of course but something that we need to change in the world to make it better for us and future generations; using cloth bags, a carless Soi to and from the main road which is Sukhumvit, fighting discrimination, respecting people, animal rights and every other idea you can imagine of how we all have a role in changing and moving forward.

Teachers were not involved in the discussion, we were tweeting comments, questions and thoughts from every table. I loved tweeting, taking pictures, walking around listening to everyone engaged and  also picking student brains. Yes, granted I miss my kids and spent an hour and a bit in a taxi to get home, but it felt great to be a part of this huge initiative.


Wapack said...

Congratulations. Wasn't it a TED video that got you started on this challenge? And it seems your student's exhibition was like a mini TED Conference.

BTW: Google "Tabouleh Happiness"

Isa said...

I need to see those crafts, Lana! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!

nazelet said...

Tell me how you discovered this challenge and how to do it. I think my time has come.

Jan said...

Fabulous. You did it and seem to have gained much from the process. I too might need to take part in something similar. Oh and I know what you mean about not remembering the past days as you have been so focused on work! Take some time for breathing! Are you still going to Zumba and meditating?

Tabouleh said...

HI Jan... I do the minute meditation exercise and try to follow that regularly as five minutes is hard for me. As for Zumba... well I missed my second class because there was no one to watch the kids for me but I am hoping to go this Tuesday.
This process Jan really helped... i am thinking of doing it every once in a while... like for a day or two but not the whole 21 days... it was a little challenging to do it for that amount of time... sometimes I had to think hard as I ran out of new things to be grateful for... LOL...

Tabouleh said...

Hi Paula... did you get my email about where I found it... it was from a TED Talk Peter had sent me... check out Happiness Day 1.