Thursday, October 31, 2013

21 Days... Day 1

21 days is always the number that you are given to do any kind of cleansing or detox plan. I was asked to do a 21 day of cleansing after I received my REIKI initiation. And therefore, 21 days, of searching for the positives, it is.

My fingers are stalling and I am taking a break between every few words that I write. I am trying to think of a positive thing that happened to me today or a piece of good news that I read online.... the Polio epidemic spreading in Syria was not one of them.

I am straining my memory trying to think of it... that one special thing that brought a smile to my face. My fingers are tapping nervously on the keys as I do not want to be a failure in the simplest of tasks. 

Then.... Light bulb (in Despicable Me's Gru voice)

I have managed to think of three that made me feel supported and appreciated today;

1. I received support from my colleagues about an email that I wished to send a parent. 
2. I was given sweets for Halloween by another colleague of mine and that spiked my sugar level up making me feel giggly
3. I finished my batik piece with the support of a great African Canadian artist (pictured above... it is above my family, Jad, Mina, Aaron and I... can you figure it out?)

There I have done it!

I must say that focusing on something positive is a little difficult at the beginning when all you can see in front of you is just pages upon pages of a morbid book by Dostoyevsky.   But once you start jogging your memory of the events of the day, one memory pulls the next. 

I have a feeling that right after I made a conscious decision to focus on the positives, I began seeing glimmers of it splattered here and there. Maybe I was blind to it that I did not give myself a chance to perceive it. I need to be more pro-active when it comes to running my life and not go through the days just to end them, go to sleep and start again the next day. I must admit, it takes hard work. 


janzi said...

I,too have not been blogging for a while, events too many to report and no time to do it... I hope that you are feeling more positive as each day goes by and planning ahead for christmas and the new year, must help too... Thinking of you and your little band out there, all the love and hugs from across the seas, Janzi

jyothisethu said...

focus on positives...!

Birdie said...

My goodness! Polio! That gets me down as well. It was one of the diseases that was supposed to be almost eradicated.
OK, now I am being a downer. xo