Thursday, November 3, 2011

Not Settling-In Is Unsettling


It has been three weeks since we were first warned about the flood and we are still waiting for the waters to arrive. Three weeks of having our stuff on the second floor or up on the shelves and table. When we thought that we will be settling into a new house four weeks ago, we never expected that we will be living as semi nomads. 

Going off to an island to get away from the floods... then back home to make sure things are ok and reinforce our house. Then back out to another island to get away and be with friends when we were promised more water... then back home again to start work in a few days only to receive an email from school informing us that the Ministry of Education has extended the so-called- holiday for another week because the waters are certainly coming and the school will not be able to ensure every students' and staff members' safe passage to and from school. 

Well, as for the waters, my husband went out to check on the klongs today and found out that they are high and over flowing. He then went up the street a bit more and found out that the streets are flooded... so the waters are coming but we are not sure when, how much or how fast.
Despite knowing that there are so many people out there who have suffered so much from this flood, and my heart goes out to every one of them, I can still say that not settling down for a few weeks now has been very unsettling.


Jan said...

I've been wondering about you dear Lana and so relieved to read this post and know that you are safe. My heart is there too for all those affected. Hoping that there is some relief soon from these terrible floods.

Birdie said...

I have been wondering how you are doing. I hope you stay dry.

Tabouleh said...

Thank you both... yes I have been away for some time and need to catch up on my blogg reading... will start commenting soon...

Isa said...

You know we don't have TV so I am completely away from what's happening on the world... I hope everything goes OK with you and your family,



nazelet said...

I've been following closely and was wondering how things were going. I knew you were on vacation and you all looked like you were enjoying yourselves even though it was for a nasty reason that you had to leave your home. And - it looked like Ms. Mena found out just how good it is to be a princess. But you're right. It's like a long flight - after about seven hours you say "okay, this is long enough for me" knowing you have 7 more eternal hours left to go. It is unsettling and yikes way expensive. I hope you get to go home soon. hugs.

Tabouleh said...

Thank you both for your thoughts and concern... we have been home for the past 4 days now... and it feels good other than everything is still above the ground or on the second floor... still sleeping in ones own bed is a blessing... the water is creeping slowly... it is several sois(streets) away from us and it will be coming our way... will keep you posted. Much love to you all.