Monday, July 4, 2022

Picking the Perfect Blade



    Every little blade of grass, particle of odorant and degree of slope that touched my dog's behind had to be perfect for her. If any one of these three did not match her approval standards, she would move on to the next patch of turf. Sometimes, she chose three different spots for each division of her business with the world. She is just a picky little dog who takes her sweet *** time choosing the perfect bed for her body's rejected matter.

    That everyday experience, every morning, noon and night, made me think of how I can spend the best part of the day looking for the perfect atmosphere or condition to make my move and experience life.  I would never fully immerse myself in it. I would be too consumed in the selection process rather than the process itself.

   Looking at Boo, who taught me how one loves unconditionally and with every fiber of their being, gave me time to think of what would happen if I always did that. I would probably sink in life like a jagged rock instead of floating on it, releasing myself to the ebb and flow of life that erode these sharp edges and smooth the rugged bits. 

    If I had to have every blade of grass perfect for me to release what is not mine and what is hurting me, I would not be able to get rid of all the toxicity floating in my system which does not serve me. If I had to stage my surroundings to the ideal conditions before I enjoyed the moment, I would never go beyond the fences of my comforting garden. 

    And so, I would much rather take risks trusting my intuition and jumping in rather than testing the temperature of the water before I do.

However.... having said that.... I am still learning!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Perfectly said 🥰beautiful